- acrolein
- акролеин
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
Acrolein — A*cro le*in, n. [L. acer sharp + ol[=e]re to smell.] (Chem.) A limpid, colorless, highly volatile liquid, obtained by the dehydration of glycerin, or the destructive distillation of neutral fats containing glycerin. Its vapors are intensely… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Acrolein — (Chem.), C6H4O2, bildet den scharfen reizenden Dampf, der sich bei der Einwirkung der Wärme auf die Fette u. die fetten Öle bildet; es entsteht aus dem Glycerin einfach durch Wasserentziehung mittelst wasserfreier Phosphorsäure u. ähnlichen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
acrolein — [ə krō′lē in] n. [ ACR(ID) + L olere, to smell + IN1] a yellowish or colorless, acrid liquid, CH2:CHCHO, whose fumes irritate the eyes: it is formed by the decomposition of glycerol and is used in organic synthesis and in plastics, poison gas,… … English World dictionary
Acrolein — Chembox new Name = Acrolein ImageFileL1 = Acrolein 2D skeletal plus H.png ImageSizeL1 = 100px ImageFileR1 = Acrolein 3D balls.png ImageSizeR1 = 120px ImageFile2 = Acrolein 3D vdW.png ImageSize2 = 120px ImageName = Acrolein IUPACName =… … Wikipedia
Acrolein — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Acrolein Andere Namen Propena … Deutsch Wikipedia
Acrolein — Ac|ro|le|in 〈n. 11; unz.〉 = Akrolein * * * A|c|ro|le|in [lat. acer = scharf, stechend, u. olere = riechen; ↑ in (3)], das; s; Syn.: Propenal, Acrylaldehyd: H2C=CH CHO; brennbare, farblose, stechend riechende u. giftige Fl., Sdp. 52 °C, die zu… … Universal-Lexikon
acrolein — akrilaldehidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė CH₂=CHCHO atitikmenys: angl. acrylaldehyde; acrolein rus. акриловый альдегид; акролеин ryšiai: sinonimas – akroleinas sinonimas – propenalis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
acrolein — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary acr (from Latin acr , acer) + Latin olēre to smell more at odor Date: circa 1857 a colorless irritant pungent liquid aldehyde C3H4O used chiefly in organic synthesis … New Collegiate Dictionary
acrolein — /euh kroh lee in/, n. Chem. a yellow, flammable liquid, C3H4O, having a stifling odor, usually obtained by the decomposition of glycerol: used chiefly in the synthesis of commercial and pharmaceutical products. Also called acraldehyde,… … Universalium
acrolein — noun A pungent, acrid, poisonous liquid aldehyde, CH=CH CH=O, made by the destructive distillation of glycerol. Syn: acrylaldehyde, propenal … Wiktionary
acrolein — acro·le·in ə krō lē ən n a toxic colorless liquid aldehyde C3H4O with acrid odor and irritating vapors that polymerizes readily into resins and is used chiefly in organic synthesis (as of methionine) called also acrylaldehyde * * * acro·le·in (ak … Medical dictionary